FeaturedAbout Candidate
I am Vishakha Chakankar, As I am in the process of finding the right job, I have updated my knowledge with the tools and technology listed below.
1.Knowledge about procedures like proc print,proc contents,proc sort,procmeans,Proc summary,proc freq,proc append,proc transpose,proc reports,proctemplates,Proc formats,proc tabulate.
2.Knowledge about functions like sum,round,scan ,Trim,date and time,put,input,global,local,call symput.
3.Knowledge about conditional statements like If-else,while,do-while,array,where.
4.Knowledge about Base SAS,Macros,ods.
5.Knowledge about SAS Access files like proc import,proc export.
6.Knowledge about SAS Options like keep,drop,rename,options,linesize
7.Data extraction:
Data is extracted from raw datasets and created SAS data sets.
8.Data Preparation:
indicating the input data sets, sorting and merging techniquesand writing SAS code accordingly.
9.Data validation:
Data is validated before the final analysis for validation. Extensively used SAS procedures like means, frequency and univariate.
Create reports using analysis output.
I am gaining professional internship experience in clinical data analytics using SAS programming through KITE-AI technology, and I am currently working on the projects listed below.
Technical Project Experience
CRF Annotation
Tool: Excel Spreadsheet
Duration: 32hrs
Discerption :
1.Annotate CRF independently by using requirement specifications to Annotate the CRF provided for the possible domains using SDTM IG 3.4
2.Check for the fields available in CRF and to which SDTM variable it is mapped, and annotate accordingly Added notes wherever necessary.
3.Annotated every variable as domain name followed by the variable name.
SDTM Dataset Development
Tool: SAS
Duration: 60hrs
Discerption :
1.Created Demographic SDTM datasets added the variables in the dataset and assigned values as per CRF annotation .
Work & Experience
Role & Responsibilities- Preparation of buffers for the PathoDetect Covid 19 test kit and NATSpert Prepared the buffer quality control check. Extracted viral nucleic acid is further amplified using real-time PCR technology for detection and discrimination of HIV HBV, HCV, and Carona Virus. Virus Extraction by Compact XL Machine. Working in a biosafety level 2 environment Filling and sealing extraction and RT-PCR cartridges for the PathoDetect Covid 19 test kit. & NATSpert Test Kit for the compact XL Machine. Responsible for assessment of experimental quality and perform documentation as per good laboratory practices